Home » GKH Products » Proprietary Chinese medicine registration products » Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Granules (川芎茶調顆粒) GH034

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Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Granules  (川芎茶調顆粒) GH034

< Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Granules (川芎茶調顆粒) GH034 >

  • Product Code:

  • Products Details

Disperse wind and relieve pain. It is used to treat headaches, chilling, fever or nasal congestion caused by cold or flu.
Registration no.:HKC-18034
[Active Ingredients]
Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Angelicae Dahuricae Radix,Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix,Asari Radixet Rhizoma,Saposhnikoviae Radix,Schizonepetae Herba,Menthae Haplocalycis Herba,Glycyrrhizae Radixet Rhizoma
Disperse wind and relieve pain. It is used to treat headaches, feeling cold, fever or nasal congestion caused by cold or flu.
[Dosage and Method of usage]
Twice a day, 7.8g each time. Dissolve in boiling water or tea. Take after meal. Lower dose for children.
100g per bottle.
[Storage Instructions]
Seal and store in a cool and dry place.
1. For headaches caused by qi-deficiency or blood-deficiency due to chronic illnesses, or liver and kidney deficiency with hyperactive liver yang, use with caution.
2. Pregnant women should use this product with caution
3. Avoid spicy or fried food during medication. Cigarettes, alcohols, cold, spicy or greasy food are not allowed during medication.
4. Strictly follow instructions of medical professionals.
[Place of manufacture]

Other information

Sole Agent: Guangzhou Kanghe Pharmaceutical (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd.
Registration No. of PCM: HKC-18034

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